
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

OLTISD e Valois suggested, and D'Anville adopts his opinion, that we ought to read Oltis instead of Clitis in the verse of Sidonius Apollinaris ( Propempt. ):—Clitis, Elaris, Atax, Vacalis.
D'Anville observes that the same river is named Olitis in a poem of Theodulf of Orleans. Accordingly the river ought to be named Olt or l'Olt; but usage has attached the article to the name, and we now speak of Le Lot, and so use the article twice. The Lotrises near Mont Lozèreon the Cévennes, and it has a general west course past Mendeand Cahors. It joins the Garonnea few miles below Agen, which is on the Garonne.