OSTRACI´NA(Ὀστρακίνη, Ptol. 4.5.12; Plin. Nat. 5.12. s. 14; Ostracena It. Anton. p. 152), was a military station in Lower Aegypt, east of the Delta proper, and situated on the road from Rhinocorura to Pelusium. From the route of Vespasian, on his return from Alexandreia to Palestine in A.D. 69, as described by Josephus (J. BJ 4.11.5), Ostracina appears to have been one day's march from the temple of Jupiter Casius in the Arabian hills, and about the same distance from the lake Serbonis. It was destitute of wells, and supplied with water brought by a canal from the Delta. (Comp. Martian. Capella, 100.6. [W.B.D]