
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

OXYBII(Ὀξύβιοι), a part of the Ligyes,as Stephanus says (s. v.), on the authority of Quadratus. Strabo (p. 185) terminates his description of the coast of Gallia Narbonensis, in which he proceeds from west to east, by mentioning the harbour Oxybius, so called from the Oxybii Ligyes. The Oxybii were a Ligurian people on the south coast of Gallia Narbonensis; but it is not easy to fix their position precisely. They were west of the Varand not far from it, and they were near to or bordered on the Deciates. The Oxybii had a town Aegitna, but its position is unknown. A brief sketch of the history of this people is written under DECIATES. Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.100.4) places the Oxybii east of the Argentens river ( Argents) and west of the Deciates. The Oxybii, therefore, occupied the coast east from Fréjusas far as the border of the Deciates, who had the remainder of the coast to the Var. Antipolis ( Antibes) was in the country of the Deciates.