
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

OZE´NE(Ὀζήνη, Peripl. M. Erythr. 100.48, ed. Müllerr, the principal emporium of the interior of the district of W. India anciently called Limyrica. There can be no doubt that it is the Sanscrit Ujjáini, the present Oujein. This place is held by all Indian authors to be one of great antiquity, and a royal capital,—as Ptolemy calls it,—the palace of a king Tiastanes (7.1.63). We know for certain that it was the capital of Vikramaditya, who in B.C. 56 expelled the Sacae or Scythians from his country, and founded the well known Indian aera, which has been called from this circumstance the Sacaaera. (Lassen, de Pentap. p. 57; Bohlen, Alte Ind. 1. p. 94; Ritter, 5. p. 486.) The author of the Periplus states that great variety of commerce was sent down from Ozene to Barygaza (l. c.).