
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PAGRAE(Πάγραι), a town of Syria, placed by Ptolemy in the district of Pieria, near the Syrian gates (5.15.12), but more particularly described by Strabo, as adjoining Gindarus, the acropolis of Cyrrhestice. Pagrae he places in the district of Antiochis, and describes as a strong place near the ascent of the Amanus, on the Syrian side of the pass called AMANIDES PYLAE[Vol. 1. p. 113], the Syrian gates of Ptolemy (l. c.). The plain of Antioch, adds Strabo, lies under Pagrae, through which flows the Arceuthus, the Orontes, and the Labotas. In this plain is also the dyke of Meleager and the river Oenoparas. Above it is the ridge of Trapezae, so called from its resemblance to a table, on which Ventidius engaged Phranicates, general of the Parthians. (16. p. 751.) The place is easily identified in medieval and modern geography by the aid of Abulfeda and Pococke. Baghras, writes the former, has a lofty citadel, with fountains, and valley, and gardens; it is said to be distant 12 miles from Antioch, and as many from Iskanderún. It is situated on a mountain overhanging the valley of Charem, which Charemis distant two stages to the east. Baghrasis distant less than a stage from Darbasak, to the south. (Tabula Syriae, p. 120.) Pococke is still more particular in his description. He passed within sight of it between Antioch and Baias. After passing Caramaut, he turned to the west between the hills. We saw also, about 2 miles to the north, the strong castle of Pagrason the hills; this was the ancient name of it in the Itinerary [Antonini], in which it is placed 16 miles from Alexandria and 25 from Antioch; which latter is a mistake, for the Jerusalem Journey (calling it Pangrios) puts it more justly 16 miles from Antioch. As I have been informed, a river called Sowdarises in the mountain to the west, runs under this place, ... and falls into the lake of Antioch,—also called from it Bahr-el-Souda, otherwise Bahr-Agoule, the White Lake,from the colour of its waters. This Sosudaseems to be the river Arceuthus mentioned by Strabo, immediately after Pagrae, as running through the plain of Antioch.( Observations on Syriavol. ii. p., 173.) It is numbered 17 on the map of the gulf of Issus. [Vol. 1. p. 114.]