PARE´MBOLE(Παρεμβόλη, Melet. Brev. p, 188; Parambole, It. Ant. p. 161; It. Hieros. p. 568) was a port or castle (Castra, Plin. Nat. 5.9. s. 10) on the borders of Aegypt and Aethiopia, and alternately attached to either kingdom. Parembole was situated between Syene and Taphis, on the left bank of the Nile, lat. 23° 40′ N. In Roman times it was one of the principal fortresses of the southern extremity of the empire, and was usually occupied by a legion. On the recession of the Roman boundary in Diocletian's reign, Parembole was handed over to the Nubae, and was frequently assailed by the Blemmyes from the opposite bank of the river. (Procop. B. Pers. 1.19.) The ruins of its temples may still be seen at the village of Debotor Debou. From the square enclosure of brick found there it would seem to have been a penal settlement for criminals as well as a regular station for soldiers. (Rosellin. Mon. del Culto, p. 189.)