
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PEDNELISSUS(Πεδνηλισσός), a town in the interior of Pisidia, near the Eurymedon, above Aspendus (Strab. 12. p. 570; 14. p. 667; Steph. B. s. v.;Ptol. 5.5.8.) Hierocles (p. 681), giving a greater extension to Pamphylia, assigns the town to this province. The town formed a small state by itself, but was always involved in war with the neighbouring Selge. (Plb. 5.72, &c.) It is also mentioned in the ecclesiastical annals and on coins. (Sestini, p. 96.) Fellows (Asia Minor, p. 196, &c.) is inclined to identify the extensive ruins near the village of Bolcascooewith the ancient Pednelissus; these ruins, however, according to his description, bear scarcely any trace of Greek origin, but belong to the Roman period.