
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PEPU´ZA(Πέπουζα), a town in the western part of Phrygia, which is mentioned only by late writers. It gave its name to an obscure body of heretics noticed by Epiphanius (Haeres.48.14): but they did not exist long, since their town was ruined and deserted when he wrote. (Comp. Philostorg. Hist. Eccl. 4.8, where it is called Petusa; Aristaen. Comm. in Can. 8, where its name is Pezusa.) Kiepert (ap. Franz, Fünf Inschriftern, p. 33) believes that its site may possibly be marked by the ruins found by Arundell ( Discoveries in As. Min. i. pp. 101, 127) near Besh-Shehrand Kalinkefi, in the south of Ushak.