
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PERPERE´NA(Περπερήνα), a place in Mysia, on the south-east of Adramyttium, in the neighbourhood of which there were copper mines and good vineyards. It was said by some to be the place in which Thucydides had died. (Strab. 13. p. 607; Plin. Nat. 5.32; Steph. B. s. v. Παρπάρων, from whom we learn that some called the place Perine; while Ptol. 5.2.16, calls it Perpere or Permere; Galen, Περὶ εὐχυμίας, p. 358; comp. Sestini, p. 75.) Some, without sufficient reason, regard Perperena as identical with Theodosiupolis, mentioned by Hierocles (p. 661). [L. S.