
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PERSABO´RA(Πηρσαβῶπα, Zosim. 3.17), a very strong place in Mesopotamia, on the W.. bank of the Euphrates, to which the emperor Julian came in his march across that country. Zosimus, who gives a detailed account of its siege, states that it was in size and importance second only to Ctesiphon. Ammianus, speaking of the same war, calls the place Pirisabora (24.100.2); and Libanius Soph. mentions a city of the same name as the then ruling king of Persia, evidently supposing that it derived its name from Sapor (or Shahpúr). (Orat. Fun. p. 315.) Forbiger has conjectured that it is represented by the present Aubar, and that it was situated near the part of the river Euphrates whence the canal Nahr-saresflows, and no great distance from the Sipphara of Ptolemy (Ptol. 5.18.7).