
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PEUCELAO´TIS(Πευκελαῶτις, Arrian, Anab. 4.22, Indic. 4; Πευκολῖτις, Strab. 15. p. 698; Plin. Nat. 6.17. s. 21: Eth. Peucolaitae, Plin.; Πευκαλεῖς, Dionys. Per. 1142), a district of India on the NW. frontier, along the Cophen or Cábulriver, in the direction of the Panjáb. The actual name of the town, which was probably Pencela, is nowhere found, but the form of the word leaves no doubt that it is, like the majority of the names which have been preserved by Arrian, of genuine Sanscrit or Indian origin. Strabo and Pliny both call the city itself Peucolaitis. Arrian in one place gives the name to a district (4.22), without mentioning that of the capital or chief town ; in another he calls the capital Peucelaotis, or, according to the Florentine MS., Peucela. (Indic.100.1.) There can be little doubt that this is the same place or district mentioned in Ptolemy under the form of Proclais (7.1.44), and in the Periplus Mar. Erythr. (100.47). Both are connected with the Gandarae,—the Sanscrit Gandáras, —and both are alike placed in NW. India. Prof. Wilson has shown that the Greek name is derived from the Sanscrit Pushkaraor Pushkala, the Pushkalavatiof the Hindus, which was placed by them in the country of the Gandháras, the Gandaritis of Strabo, and which is still represented by the modern Pekhelyor Pakholi, in the neighbourhood of Pesháwur. (Wilson, Ariana, pp. 183, 184.)