
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A port of Ionia, at the foot of Mount Mimas. (Thucyd. 8.34.) Livy (Liv. 36.45) notices it in his account of the naval operations of the Romans and their allies against Antiochus (comp. Steph. B. s. v.); but its identification is not easy, Leake (Asia Minor, p. 263) regarding it as the same as the modern port of Tshesme, and Hamilton ( Researches, 2. p. 5) as the port of Egri-Limen.

2. A port of Lycia, a little to the east of Patara; it was scarcely 2 miles distant from the latter place, and surrounded on all sides by high cliffs. In the war against Antiochus a Roman fleet took its station there with a view of taking Patara. (Liv. 37.16.) Beaufort ( Karamania, p. 7) observes that Livy's description answers accurately to the bay of Kalamaki. As to Mount Phoenicus in Lycia, see OLYMPUSV ol. 2. p. 480. [L.S]