
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PHRA(Φρά, Isidor. Mans. Parth. c. 16), a town in Ariana, mentioned by Isidorus in his brief summary of the principal stations between Mesopotamia and Arachosia. There can be little doubt that this place corresponds with the Ferrahor Furrahof modern times (Wilson, Ariana, p. 153), on the river called the Ferrah-rud. Ritter (8. p. 120) has supposed that this is the same place which Ptolemy mentions by the name of Pharazana, in Drangiana (6.19.5); and Droysen (2. p. 610) imagines that it is the same as the Phrada of Stephanus B., which was also a city of Drangiana. Both conjectures are probable.