
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PHY´TIA or PHOETEIAE(Φυτία, Thuc. 3.106; Φοιτεῖαι, Plb. 4.63; ΦοιτίαιSteph. B. s. v.: Eth. Φοιτιεύς, Φοίτιος, Φοιτιάν,—ᾶνος: Porta), atown in the interior of Acarnania, situated on a height W. of Stratus, and strongly fortified. It lay on the road from Stratus to Medeon and Limnaea. After the time of Alexander the Great it fell into the hands of the Aetolians, together with the other towns in the W. of Acarnania. It was taken by Philip in his expedition against Aetolia in B.C. 219 ; but the Aetolians, doubtless, obtained possession of it again, either before or after the conquest of Philip by the Romans. It is mentioned as one of the towns of Acarnania in a Greek inscription found at Punta, the site of Actium, the date of which is probably prior to the time of Augustus. In this inscription the ethnic form Φοιτιάνoccurs, which is analogous to Ἀκαρνάν, Αἰνιάν, Ἀτιντάν, Ἀθαμάν, Ἀζάν. (Thuc., Pol., ll. cc.; Böckh, Corpus Inscript., No. 1793; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 574, seq.)