
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

POSEIDO´NIUM or POSI´DIUM(Ποσειδώνιον, Thuc. 4.129; Posidium, Liv. 44.11), the SW. cape of Pallene, probably so called from a temple to Poseidon, which still retains its name vulgarly pronounced Posídhi. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 156.) Müller ( Geog. Graec. Min. vol. 1. p. 52) identifies it with the THRAMBEIS of Scylax (p. 26; comp. Θεράμβω, Hdt. 7.123; Θράμβος : Eth. Θραμβούσιος, Steph. B.; Lycophr. 1405), which Leake and Kiepert place near the Canastraeum Prom.; but as Scylax interposes Scione between them, Thrambeis corresponds better with Posídhi.