
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PO´TANA(Πότανα, Agatharch. de Mar. Erythr. § 104, ed Paris, 1855), a place mentioned by Agatharchides, which Alexander the Great founded at the mouth of the Indus. Diodorus calls it Πόταναι (3.46). It has been suspected, with some reason, that the name in both of these authors is an error for Pattala (the present Tatta), which is spoken of in similar terms by Arrian (Arr. Anab. 5.4, 6.17, Indic.100.2) and by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 2.75). On the other hand, the name may readily be conceived as a Graecism for Patan, a common Indian word for a town or city.