
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PRAE´NETUS(Πραίνετος), a town on the coast of Bithynia, on the north side of Mount Arganthonius, and at the southern entrance of the Sinus Astacenus. It was situated 28 Roman miles to the north-west of Nicaea; and Stephanus B., who calls it Πρόνεκτος, states that it was founded by the Phoenicians. If this be true, it would be a very ancient place, which can scarcely be conceived, as it is mentioned only by very late writers. (Pallad. Vit. Chrys. p. 75; Socrat. 6.16; Hierocl. p. 691, where it is called Prinetus; Tab. Peuting., where it is written Pronetios.) According to Cedrenus (p. 457), it was destroyed by an earthquake. Its site seems to answer to that of Debrende.