
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PRO´SCHIUM(Πρόσχιον: Eth. Προσχιεύς), a town of Aetolia, between the Achelous and the Evenus, is said to have been founded by the Aeolians when they removed from the Homeric Pylene higher up into the country. [PYLENE] Proschium also laid claim to high antiquity, since it possessed a shrine said to have been dedicated by Hercules to his cupbearer Cyathus, whom he had unintentionally slain. It is clear, from a narrative of Thucydides, that Proschium lay west of Calydon and Pleuron, and at no great distance from the Achelous. Leake places it on the western part of Mt. Zygos(the ancient Aracynthus), near the monastery of St. Georgebetween Anatolikoand Anghelokastro. (Strab. 10. p. 451; Athen. 10. 411a.; Thuc. 3.102, 106; Steph. B. s.v.;Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 1. p. 119.)