
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

PRYMNE´SIA of PRYMNE´SUS (Πρυμνησία, Πρυμνησός : Eth. Πρυμνησιεύς), a small town in central Phrygia. (Ptol. 5.2.24; Hierocl. p. 677; Conc. Chalced. p. 673.) Pocoke ( Travels, 3.100.15) found an inscription containing the name of this town near Afiom Cara-hissar. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 55) shows that the inscription does not refer to Prymnesia, but to some person whose name ended in menneas. No inference, therefore, can be drawn from it as to the site of that town. Franz ( Fünf Inschriften, p .5) has proved, by incontrovertible arguments from other inscriptions, that Prymnesia must have been situated at Seid-el-Ghazi, between Eski-Shehrand Coniah, where a few remains of an ancient Greek town still exist. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 21.)