
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

QUERQUE´TULA( Eth. Querquetulanus; Κορκοτουλανός, Dionys.), an ancient city of Latium, mentioned only by Pliny among the populi Albenses, or extinct communities of Latium, and by Dionysius among the the Latin cities which constituted the league against Rome. (Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 9; Dionys. 5.61.) Neither passage affords the slightest clue to its position, and the name is not elsewhere mentioned; indeed, it seems certain that the place was not in existence at a later period. It is undoubtedly erroneous to connect (as Gell has done) the name of the Porta Querquetulana at Rome with this city (Becker, Handbuch, vol. 1. p. 170); and we are absolutely in the dark as to its position. It has been placed by Gell and Nibby at a place called Corcollo, about 3 miles NE. of Gabii and the same distance from Hadrian's villa near Tivoli; but this is a mere conjecture. (Gell, Top. of Rome, p. 369; Nibby, Dintorni, vol. 2. p. 668.)