Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

RAMOTH-GILEAD (Ῥαμὼθ ἐν Γαγαάδ), a city of the tribe of Gad, assigned as a city of refuge, first by Moses and subsequently by Joshua. (Deut. 4.43; Josh. 20.8, Ἀρημώθ.) It was also a Levitical city of the family of Merari. (Josh. 21.38.) The Syrians took it from Ahab, who lost his life in seeking to recover it. (1 Kings, xxii.) Eusebius places it 15 miles west of Philadelphia (Onomast. s. v., where S. Jerome erroneously reads east; Reland, p. 966), in the Peraea, near the river Jabok. Its site is uncertain, and has not been recovered in modern times.