RATIA´RIA(Ῥατιαρία, Procop. de Aed. 4.6, p. 290; Ῥατιαρία Μυσῶν, Ptol. 3.9.4, 8.11.5; Ῥαζαρία, Hierocl. p. 655; Ῥατηρία, Theophylact. 1.8; Ratiaris, Geogr. Rav. 4.7), a considerable town in Moesia Superior on the Danube, and the head-quarters of a Roman legion; according to the Itinerary (p. 219), the Leg. xiv. Gemina, according to the Not. Imp. (100.30), the Leg., XIII.Gemina. It was also the station of a fleet on the Danube (ibid.).Usually identified with Arzar-Palanca.