
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

REGINUM a town in the northern part of Vindelicia, on the southern bank of the Danube, on the road leading to Vindobona. This town, the modern Ratisbon, or Regensburg, is not mentioned by the Roman historians, but it was nevertheless an important frontier fortress, and, as we learn from in scriptions, was successively the station of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Italian legions, and of a detachment of cavalry, the Ala II. Valeria. The town appears to have also been of great commercial importance, and to have contained among its inhabitants many Roman families of distinction. (It. Ant. p. 250; Tab. Peut., where it is called Castra Regina; comp. Rayser, Der Oberdonaukreis Bayerns, 3. p. 38, &c.)