
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

RHITHYMNA(Ῥίθυμνα), a town of Crete, which is mentioned by Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.17.7) and Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.20) as the first town on the N. coast to the E. of Amphimalla, and is spoken of as a Cretan city by Steph. B., in whose text its name is written Rhithymnia (Ῥιθυμνία : Eth. Ῥιθυμνιάτης, Ῥιθύμνιος). It is also alluded to by Lycophron (76). The modern Rhíthymnosor Retimoretains the name of the ancient city upon the site of which it stands. Eckhel (Numi Vet. Anecdoti, p. 155; comp. Rasche, vol. iv. pt. 1. p. 1024) first assigned to Rhithymna its ancient coins; maritime emblems are found on them. (Pashley, Crete, vol. 1. p. 101.) COIN OF RHITHYMNA.