
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

RHIZON(Ῥίζων, Plb. 2.11; Strab. 7. p. 316; Liv. 45.26; Steph. B. s. v.;Ῥιζάνα, Ptol. 2.17.12; Rhizinium, Plin. Nat. 3.26; Rucimum, Geogr. Rav. 5.14; ad Zizio [ad Rhisio?], Peut. Tab.), a town of Dalmatia, situated upon a gulf which bore the name of RHIZONICUS SINUS(Ῥιζονικὸς κόλπος, Strab. vii. pp. 314, 316; Ptol. 2.17.5). Teuta, the Illyrian queen, took refuge in this her last stronghold, and obtained peace upon the conqueror's terms. Scylax (p. 9) has a river Rhizus (Ῥιζοῦς, comp. Polyb. l. c.;Philo, ap. Steph. B. s. v. Βουθόη), but this can be no other than the Bocche di Cattaro, celebrated for its grand scenery, which gives this gulf with its six mouths the appearance of an inland lake, and hence the mistake of Scylax, and Polybius, who says that Rhizon was at a distance from the sea. In Risano, standing on rising ground at the extremity of a beautiful bay that runs to the N. from Perasto, are remains of the Roman colony. A Mosaic pavement and coins have been found there. Near Risanois a cavern from which a torrent runs in winter, and falls into the bay, but it is not known whether this be the Dalmatian cavern mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 2.44). It is here that Cadmus is said to have retired among the Enchelees. (Scylax, l. c.) Whether the Phoenicians had reached the E. shore of the Adriatic does not appear, but it could only be from traces of Phoenician settlements that this term was assigned to his wanderings. (Wilkinson, Dalmatia, vol. 1. p. 381; Neigebaur, Die Süd-Slaven, p. 30.)