ROBRICA in Gallia, is placed by the Table on the north side of the Loire, on a road from Juliomagus (Angers) to Caesarodunum (Tours). The distance of Robrica from Juliomagus is xvii. and xxviiii. from Caesarodunum. D'Anville fixed Robrica at the distance of 16 Gallic leagues from Angersat the bridges of Longué, over the Latan, which flows into the Loire. He conjectures that Robrica contains the Celtic element Briga, a bridge or river ford, which is probable. Though D'Anville cannot make the two actual distances severally correspond to those of the Table, he finds that the whole distance between Angersand Toursagrees with the whole distance in the Table between Juliomagus and Caesarodunum. Walckenaer has shown in a Mémoire cited by Ukert (Gallien, p. 481), that the ancient road deviated in many places from the modern road.