
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SACASTE´NE(Σκαστηνή), a district of the interior of Drangiana, which was occupied by the Sacae or Scythians, who appear to have descended through the Punjáb, and to have settled there. (Isidor. Mans. Parth. 100.18.) According to Isidorus, it bore also the name of Paraetacene. It has been supposed that the modern name of this country, Segestanor Seistan, is derived from Sacastene (Wahl, Vorder u. Mittel-Asien, 1. p. 569; comp. Ritter, 8. p. 120). Four towns, Baida, Min, Palacenti, and Sigal, are mentioned in it: of these, Min may be compared with Min-nagara, a town on the Indus belonging to the same people. (Arrian, Peripl. Mar Eryth. § 38.) [MINNAGARA]