
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SACHALI´TAE(Σαχαλῖται), a people upon the S. coast of Arabia Felix (Ptol. 6.7. § § 11, 24, 25), and upon the bay called after them SACHALITES SINUS(Σαχαλίτης κόλπος). Respecting the position of this bay there was a difference of opinion among the ancient geographers, Marinus placing it towards the west, and Ptolemy towards the east, of the promontory Syagrus ( Ras Fartak). (Ptol. 1.17.2, comp. 6.7. § § 11, 46.) Marcianus (p. 23) agrees with Ptolemy; and says that the bay extended from this promontory to the mouth of the Persian gulf (comp. Steph. B. s. v. Σαχαλίτης κόλπος). Arrian ( Peripl. Mar. Erythr. p. 17.29) on the other hand agrees with Marcian, and places the bay between Cane and the promontory Syagrus. (See C. Müller, ad Arrian, l. c.