SALGANEUS(Σαλγανεύς;Liv. uses the Gr. ace. Salganea: Eth. Σαλγάνιος), a town upon the eastern coast of Boeotia, and between Chalcis and Anthedon, is said to have derived its name from a Boeotian, who served as pilot to the Persian fleet of Xerxes, and was put to death upon suspicion of treachery, because no outlet appeared to the channel of the Euripus; but the Persian commander, having found out his mistake, erected a monument on the spot, where the town was afterwards built. (Strab. 9. p. 403; Dicaearch. Stat. Graec. p. 19; Steph. B. s. v.). Salganeus was considered an important place from its commanding the northern entrance to the Euripus. (Diod. 19.77; Liv. 35.37, 46, 51.) The remains of the town stand directly under the highest summit of Mount Messapium, in the angle where the plain terminates, and upon the side of a small port. The citadel occupied a height rising from the shore, 90 yards in length, and about 50 broad, and having a flat summit sloping from the SE. towards the sea. There are remains of walls on the crest of the summit, and on the SE. side of the height. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 2. p. 267.)