
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SALMO´NE(Σαλμώνη, Steph.B. s. v.;Strab.; Σαλμωνία, Diod. 4.68: Eth., Σαλμωνία, Σαλμωνείτης, Steph. B.; the form Σαλμωνείτηςpresupposes a form Σαλμώνεια, which probably ought to be read in Diodorus instead of Σαλμωνία), an ancient town of Pisatis in Elis, said to have been founded by Salmoneus, stood near Heracleia at the sources of the Enipeus or Barnichius, a branch of the Alpheius. Its site is uncertain. (Strab. 8. p. 356; Diod. l. c.;Apollod. 1.9.7; Steph. B. l. c.)