
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SAMO´NIUM, SAMMO´NIUM, SALMO´NIUM, SALMO´NE PROM. (Σαμώνιον, Σαλμώνιον, Strab. 2. p. 106, x. pp. 474, 475, 478, 489; Σαλμώνη, Acts, 27.7; comp. Ptol. 3.15.5; Pomp. Mela, 2.7.12; Plin. Nat. 4.20. s. 21; Stadiasm. § 318: Eth. Σαλμώνιος, Σαλμώνις, Apollon. 4.1693; Dionys. Per. 110; Inscrip. ap. Böckh, Corpus, vol. 2. p. 409), the E. promontory of Crete, to which the seamen of the Alexandrian vessel which conveyed Paul to Rome, thinking they could pursue their Voyage under the lee of the island, ran down. ( Acts, l. c. ) Much difference of opinion has been entertained relative to the identification of this celebrated foreland, the position of which would seem to be incontrovertibly ascertained by the existence of the modern name C. Salomon. (Comp. Höck, Kreta, vol. 1. p. 427.) But though the name is certainly in favour of this site, the statements of the ancients as to its position, and of the seven islets or rocks which surround it, determine conclusively that it must be C. S. Sidero. It is true that by the recent Admiralty survey it is not quite so far to the E. as C. Salomon(the difference is, however, only a few seconds of longitude); but by its extreme extension from the mainland it would be considered as the principal promontory at this end of the island, and known as the E. foreland.(Comp. Museum of Class. Antiquities, vol. 2. p. 302.)