
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SAMULOCENAE according to the Peut. Tab., or more correctly according to inscriptions found on the spot, SUMLOCENNE,Was apparently, a Roman colony of some importance in the Agri Decumates of Germany. The Table erroneously places the town in Vindelicia, whence some antiquarians have regarded Samulocenae and Sumlocenne as two different places. But there can be no doubt that they are only two forms of the same name belonging to one town, the site of which is occupied by the modern Sülchen, near Rottenburgon the Neckar, where many Roman remains, such as coins, inscriptions, and arms, have been found. (Comp. Jaumann, Colonies Sumlocenne, &c., Stuttgart, 1840, 8vo.; Leichtlen, Schwaben unter den Römern, p. 107, foll.)