
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SAO´CORAS(Σαόκορας, Ptol. 5.18.3), a river of Mesopotamia, mentioned by Ptolemy, which appears to have had its source in the M. Masius near Nisibis, and to have flowed to the SW. into the Euphrates. There has been much dispute, as to what river Ptolemy intended by this name, as at present there is no stream existing which corresponds with his description. Forbiger has conjectured with some reason that it is the same as the Mascas of Xenophon (Xen. Anab. 1.5.4), which flowed about 35 parasangs to the E. of the Chaboras ( Khabúr), and surrounded the town of Corsote: Ptolemy would seem to have confounded it with the Mygdonius. [MYGDONIUS]