
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SAPAUDIAT his name occurs in Ammianus Marcellinus (Ammian. 15.11), in his description of Gallia. He says of the Rhone that after flowing through the Lake of Genevaper Sapaudiam fertur et Sequanos.In the Notit. Imp. we read: in Gallia Ripense praefectus militum Barcariorum Ebruduni Sapaudiae,where Ebrudunum appears to be Yverdun, which is at one end of the Lake of Neufchâtel. In another passage of the Notit. there occurs: tribunus cohortis primae Sapaudiae Flaviae Calarone,or Cularone,which is Grenoble[CULARO]. Thus Sapaudia extended northward into the country of the Helvetii and southward into the territory of the Allobroges. The name Sapaudia is preserved in Saboia, or Savoy, but in a much more limited signification; and in the country now called Savoythere is said to be a canton which bears the particular name of Savoy. (D'Anville, Notice, &c. )