
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SATARCHAE a Scythian people on the E. coast of the Tauric Chersonesus, who dwelt in caves and holes in the ground, and in order to avoid the rigour of winter, even clothed their faces, leaving only two small holes for their eyes. (Mela, 2.1.) They were unacquainted with the use of gold and silver, and carried on their traffic by means of barter. They are mentioned by Pliny under the name of Scythi Satarchi (4.26). According to Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.6.6) there was a town in the Tauric peninsula called Satarche (Σατάρχη), which the scholiast (ad loc.) says was subsequently called Matarcha (Μάταρχα); but the account of the Satarchae living in caverns seems inconsistent with the idea of their having a town. Yet Valerius Flaccus also mentions a town—or perhaps a district—called Satarche, which, from his expression, ditant sua mulctra Satarchen,we may conclude to have been rich in herds of cattle. (Argon. 6.145.) The same poet describes the Satarchae as a yellow-haired race. (lb.)