
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SAVARI(Σαύαροι, Ptol. 3.5.22), a people in the N. of European Sarmatia, between the rivers Turuntus and Chesinus. Schafarik ( Slav. Altertlh. 1. p. 212) identifies them with the Sjewer, a powerful Slavonian race which dwelt on the rivers Desna, Sem, and Sula, and possessed the towns Tschernigowand Ljubetsch, both of which are mentioned by Constantine Porphyrogenitus ( de Adm. Imp. 100.9). The name of the Sjewerdoes not occur in history after the year 1024, though their land and castles are frequently mentioned subsequently in Russian annals. ( Ibid. 2. p. 129.)