
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SESECRI´ENAE(Σησεκρίεναι νῆσοι, Arrian, Peripl. M. Erythr. p. 30), a group of islands opposite to the S. coast of India intra Gangem, and probably in the Sinus Colchicus—where Ptolemy (Ptol. 7.1.10) places a town with the somewhat similar name of Σωσίκουραι.It must have been in the neighbourhood of Taprobane, since the Periplus mentions the Αἰγιδίων νῆσοςand close to the Sesecrienae, whilst Ptolemy (Ptol. 7.4.11) places the same island amongst a number of others lying before Taprobane, many of which must undoubtedly have belonged to the Sesecrienae.