
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SHITTIM(LXX. Σαττείνal. Σαττίν), the last station of the Israelites before crossing the Jordan, described to be by Jordan in the plains of Moab. Abel-shittim was at one extremity of their vast encampment, as Beth-Jesimoth was at the other. ( Numb. 25.1, 33.49.) It was from thence that Joshua sent the spies to reconnoitre Jericho ( Josh. 2.1), and from thence that they marched to their miraculous passage of the Jordan (3.1). In Micah (6.5) it is mentioned in connection with Gilgal, being the last encampment on the east of Jordan, as Gilgal was the first on the west. Here the LXX. render ἀπὸ τῶν σχοίνων ἕως τοῦ Γαλγάλ.

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