
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SHUR(Σούρ, LXX.), a place repeatedly mentioned to describe the western extremity of the borders of the posterity of Ishmael ( Gen. 25.18). of the Amalekites only (1 Sam. 15.7), of the Geshurites, Gezrites, and Amalekites (27.8), in all which passages it is placed over against,before,and on the way to Egypt. Hagar's well, afterwards called Beer-lahai-roi, between Kadesh and Bered, was in the way to Shur.( Gen. 16.7, 14.) The name is still found in the south of Palestine. Moilahhi(== Beer-lahai-roi) lies on the great road from Beersheba to Shur, or Jebel-es-Sur, which is its present name,—a grand chain of mountains running north and south, a little east of the longitude of Suez, lying, as Shur did, before Egypt. ( Gen. 16.7.) It lies at the south-west extremity of the plain of Paran, as Kadesh does at its utmost north-east extremity. (Rowlands, in Williams's Holy City, vol. i. appendix No. 1. pp. 465, 466.)