
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SUDERTUM(Σούδερτον: Eth. sudertanus), a town in the southern part of Etruria, apparently situated between Volsinii and the sea-coast, but we have no clue to its precise situation. The name itself is uncertain. The MSS. of Pliny, who enumerates it among the municipal towns of Etruria, vary between Sudertani and Subertani; and the same variation is found in Livy (Liv. 26.23), who mentions a prodigy as occurring in foro Sudertano.Ptolemy on the other hand writes the name Σούδερνον, for which we should probably read Σούδερτον. (Ptol. 3.1.50.) Cluver would identify it, without any apparent reason, with the Maternum of the Itineraries, and place it at Farnese. Sorano, a few miles NE. of Sovana(Suana), would seem to have a more plausible claim, but both identifications are merely conjectural. (Cluver, Ital. p. 517; Dennis's Etruria, vol. 1. p. 578.)