
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SU´PPARA(Σούππαρα, Peripl. M. E. 100.52, ed. Müll.), a place on the western coast of Hindostan, at no great distance from Barygaza or Beroach. Ptolemy calls it Σουπάρα (7.1.6). In Lassen's map it is placed on the left bank of the Tápatior Managúna, not far to the N. of Surat. This place is also mentioned by Edrisi (1. p. 171), and by Cosmas Indicopleustes under the form of Ὀρραθὰ (p. 337, ed. Montfauc.). It has been suspected, with much reason, by Benfey, that this is the Ophirof the Bible,—the name in Sanscrit and Hebrew respectively offering some remarkable analogies. (Benfey, art. Indien, in Ersch und Gruber, p. 28.)