
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

SYLLIUM(Σύλλιον), a fortified town of Pamphylia, situated on a lofty height between Aspendus and Side, and between the rivers Eurymedon and Cestrus, at a distance of 40 stadia from the coast. (Strab. 14. p. 667; Arrian, Arr. Anab. 1.25; Scylax, p. 40; Ptol. 5.5.1; Hieroel. p. 679; Plb. 22.17; Steph. B. mentions it under the name Σύλειον, while in other passages it is called Σύλαιον, Σύλλον, and Σίλονον.) Sir C. Fellows (Asia Minor, p. 200) thinks that the remains of a Greek town which he found in a wood on the side of a rocky hill near Bolcascooebelong to the ancient Syllium; but from his description; they do not appear to exist on a lofty height.