
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TAANACH(Θανάκand Θαναάχ), a town in Palestine, not far from Megiddo, with which it is generally mentioned, was originally one of the royal cities of the Canaanites. ( Josh. 12.21; Judges, 5.19; 1 Kings, 4.12.) It was assigned to Manasseh ( Josh. 17.11), but was afterwards one of the cities given to the Levites. ( Josh. 21.25.) Taanach by the waters of Megiddowas the scene of the great battle of Deborah and Barak. ( Judges, 5.19.) In the time of the Judges the Canaanitish inhabitants still remained in Taanach ( Judges, 1.27), but in the reign of Solomon it appears as an Israelitish town. (1 Kings, 4.12.) Eusebius describes it as 3 Roman miles, and Jerome as 4 Roman miles from Legio, which is undoubtedly the Megiddo of Scripture. [LEGIO] Taanach is still called Ta'annuk, a village standing on the slope of the hills which skirt the plain of Esdraelon towards the south. (Robinson, Bibl. Res. vol. 2. p. 316, vol. 3. p. 117, 2nd ed.; Stanley, Sinai and Palestine, p. 331.)