
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. in Gallia, is placed by the Itineraries between Noviomagus ( Speier) and Saletio ( Seltz). The position of Tabernae is supposed to correspond to that of Rheinzabern. Tabernae is mentioned by Ammianus Marcellinus (Ammian. 16.2), unless in this passage he means another place (No. 2) which has the same name.

2. Between Argentoratum ( Strassburg) and Divodurum ( Metz) is Elsatz-Zabern, or Saverneas the French call it, which is about 21 miles from Strassburg. This seems to be the place which Ammianus (16.11) calls Tres Tabernae. When Julian was marching against the Alemanni, who were encamped near Argentoratum, he repaired Tres Tabernae, for the purpose of preventing the Germans from entering Gallia by this pass in the Vosges. Ammianus (16.12) also gives the distance from Tres Tabernae to the German camp at Argentoratum at 14 leugae,which is 21 Roman miles, and agrees very well with the distance between Saverneand Strassburg(D'Anville, Notice, &c. ).

3. Tabernae is mentioned by Ausonius (Mosella, 5.8) on the road between Bingium ( Bingen) and Noviomagus ( Neumagen); but the geographers are not agreed about the position, whether it is Bergzabern, a place which is out of the way, Baldenau, or Berncastelon the Mosel. Ausonius says there is a spring there:— Praetereo arentem sitientibus undique terrisDumnissum riguasque perenni fonte Tabernas.[G.L]