
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TABUDA or TABULLAS in some editions of Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.9.3), a river of North Gallia. The mouth of this river is placed by Ptolemy between Gesoriacum ( Boulogne) and the mouth of the Mosa ( Maas). In another passage (2.9.9), after fixing the position of the Morini, whose towns were Gesoriacum and Taruanna, he adds, Then after the Tabullas are the Tungri.All these indications seem to show that the Tabuda or Tabullas is the Schelde, which would be correctly placed between the Morini and the Tungri. Ortelius, cited by D'Anville and others, is said to have produced evidence from writings of the middle ages, that the Scheldewas named Tabul and Tabula.