
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TAMYNAE(Ταμύναι, Strab. et alii; Ταμύνα, Steph. B. s. v.: Eth. Ταμυνεύς), a town of Euboea in the territory of Eretria, at the foot of Mt. Cotylaeum, with a temple of Apollo, said to have been built by Admetus. (Strab. 10. p. 447; Steph. B. s. vv.Τάμυνα, Κοτύλαιον.) It was taken by the Persians, when they attacked Eretria in B.C. 490 (Hdt. 6.101), but it is chiefly memorable for the victory which the Athenians, under Phocion, gained here over Callias of Chalcis, B.C. 350. (Aesch. c. Ctes. § § 85—88, de Fals. Leg. 180; Dem. de Pac. 5; Plat. Phoc. 12.) Leake places Tamynae at the village of Ghymnó, at the foot of a high, mountain, which he supposes to be the ancient Cotylaeum ( Ancient Greece, vol. 2. p. 439); but Ulrichs regards Alivéri, where there are several ancient remains, as the site of Tamynae. ( Rheinisches Museum, for 1847, p. 512.)