
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

TASCONI is the name of a Gallic people in the Narbonensis, mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4), as the name is read in five MSS. There is a small river Tesconor Tescou, which flows into the Tarn, near Montauban. D'Anville quotes a life of S. Théodard, archbishop of Narbonne, which speaks of this river as called Tasco by the people of that part and as the limit between the territories of the Tolosani, or people of Toulouse, and the Caturcenses, or people of Cahors. This is a valuable passage, for it shows how far north the Narbonensis, to which the territory of Toulousebelonged, extended in this part of its frontier; and it also confirms the conjecture about the northern limits of the Ruteni Provinciales [RUTENI], who were also included in the Narbonensis.