
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THAMUDE´NI(Θαμουδηνοί), a people of Arabia, dwelling upon the coast of the Arabian gulf, for more than 1000 stadia from about Moilahto Widjeh. (Diod. 3.44; Agatharch. p. 59, Hudson, § 92, with Miiller's note.) Ptolemy mentions the Thamydeni (Θαμυδηνοί) among the inland tribes of Arabia (6.7.21), but in another passage he places them upon the coast, under the slightly altered name of Thamyditae (Θαμυδῖται, 6.7.4). In Pliny they are called Thamudeni (6.28. s. 32). Stephanus B. makes Thamuda (Θαμουδά) a neighbour of the Nabataeans. The name is evidently the same as Thamud, a celebrated tribe in early Arabian history.