
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THEMISO´NIUM(Θεμισώνιον: Eth. Θεμισώνιος), a town of Phrygia, near the borders of Pisidia, whence in later times it was regarded as a town of Pisidia. (Strab. 12. p. 576; Paus. 10.32; Ptol. 5.2.26; Steph. B. s. v.;Plin. Nat. 5.29; Hierocl. p. 674; Geogr. Rav. 1.18.) Pausanias relates that the Themisonians showed a cave, about 30 stadia from their town, in which, on the advice of Heracles, Apollo, and Hermes, they had concealed their wives and children during an invasion of the Celts, and in which afterwards they set up statues of these divinities. According to the Peuting. Table, Themisonium was 34 miles from Laodiceia. Arundell ( Discoveries, 2. p. 136), guided by a coin of the place, fixes its site on the river Azanes, and believes the ruins at Kai Hissarto be those of Themisonium; but Kiepert (in Franz's Fünf Inschriften, p. 29) thinks that the ruins of Kisel Hisser, which Arundell takes to mark the site of Cibyra, are those of Themisonium.