
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

THOSPI´TIS(Θωσπῖτις, Ptol. 5.13.18), a district of Armenia Major. It lay at the northern side of the LACUS THOSPITES(ἡ Θωσπῖτις λίμνη, Ptol. ib. § 7), through which the Tigris flowed (Plin. Nat. 6.27. s. 31). It is perhaps the same lake called Thonitis or Thopitis by Strabo (Θωνῖτιςor Θωπῖτις, 11. p. 529), and Priscian (Lacus Thonitidis, Perieg. 913), the water of which is described by Strabo as nitrous and undrinkable. It is probably the modern Wan, in the district of Tosp, and hence called by the Armenians Dzow Tospai.